2022 has been off to a difficult start. In many ways, it feels like a repeat of years past, rather than the fresh start many of us look for in a new year. But despite the setbacks and challenges, we remain committed as an organization to continue to center family voice and implement new and exciting opportunities in alignment with that. There has been so much as an organization that we have been working on over the past year, and we are finally ready to launch! So despite the difficult start, I cannot help but be thrilled for all that is in store in this upcoming year.
Part of our commitment as a radically, resident-driven organization is to make sure that our programs are never static, but rather continue to grow and evolve as resident needs grow and evolve. Resident voice is the most important evaluative measure in all of our programs, so we are constantly listening to the stories and feedback of residents to understand how we can make programs stronger and more aligned to their needs. This was how The Magnolia Mother’s Trust was developed and how we continue to refine it and make it better each year.
In 2021, we began to hear a consistent theme from our moms – they had big dreams for themselves and their families, but they were looking for some additional support in actualizing them. Some had amazing career goals that they were working toward, but just needed a little extra help in building out the necessary network and social capital to get there. Others had a vision for what a more equitable community might look like, but felt a bit lost by complicated systems and were unsure of where to start in making a plan to bring about change.
These conversations got me thinking about times in my own life when I’ve felt just on the cusp of something new or great but needed a little extra push or support to get there. I’ve had the incredible privilege of being a part of several fellowship programs that have often helped give me the tools, confidence, and community that I needed to push me to the edge and prepare to take the leap into something new. If these types of fellowships existed for me, why not offer this same type of experience for our moms?
In the next month, we are launching two fellowship opportunities for our residents. One will be our Policy and Systems Change Fellowship, which will be an opportunity for a group of fellows to meet over a nine-month period to hone their power and expertise, learn more about issues in their communities and how policy decisions impact their daily lives, build community amongst their peers and skills around advocacy, narrative change, and coalition-building, and connect with larger networks, community leaders, and policymakers. This group will work together to not only learn more about advocacy and policy but will also help us as an organization develop our policy priorities. Additionally, the fellows will identify a community issue they are passionate about and will put their new skills into action by developing and executing a responsive action plan.
The second fellowship will be the Workforce Development Fellowship focused on helping residents actualize their career goals. Many of our mothers who have been through some of our career development and goal setting programs are ready to take the next steps to actualize the larger goals they have for themselves but need some support in identifying resources and networks to get there. Through this six-month program, fellows will have the opportunity to create comprehensive action plans for their goals, meet with community leaders and experts in their field of choice who can help connect them to careers and opportunities, and begin to take the necessary steps to actualize their dreams.
We know the incredible wisdom and skills that exist within all of our residents, and we think it is time for the rest of the world to get to see that, too. We are so excited to see what comes out of these fellowship programs and the fresh ideas and insights our Springboard fellows will bring into the world. We hope you’ll continue to follow along to hear more about our amazing fellows and what more is to come in 2022!