Read Our Latest Report.
This white paper compiles the result five Magnolia Mother’s Trust (MMT) cohort studies, examinations of other Springboard programs, and dozens of interviews with mothers who have been a part of MMT. In it, we seek to capture how low-income, Black mothers in Jackson, Mississippi define holistic prosperity, and identify what has made MMT unique and successful in the cash-without-restrictions movement.
We also take lessons learned and best practices from our own program and offer a toolkit for implementation in other cash programs, such as guaranteed income pilots and larger social safety net programs like TANF.

Springboard to Opportunities
Reports & Policy Briefs
Here, you will find the latest research studies evaluating our work and detailed descriptions of our advocacy priorities that you can use to promote narrative and legislative change in your community.
The Magnolia Mother’s Trust Reports
Policy and Program Reports
Annual Reviews

A message from our CEO, Aisha Nyandoro
Thank you for visiting our Reports & Policy Briefs page. At Springboard to Opportunities, we are committed to finding economic justice solutions that work; the studies you’ll find on this page offer empirical evidence that our programs have a significant material impact on the lives of families living in federally subsidized housing. However, we must never lose sight of the fact that the residents themselves drove these interventions. As you browse and download these reports, we encourage you to also visit our Storytelling Series, and hear directly from some of the mothers we work alongside. They are the experts and their voices must always remain central to the conversation.