Springboard collaborates with residents of federally subsidized housing, community stakeholders, and national partners to imagine and realize the goal of holistic prosperity.

We build toward a world where residents can achieve financial stability, have time to pursue their goals and dreams, take care of their mental and physical health, and enjoy strong, supportive relationships. We do this by listening to families and letting their vision for the future guide our work in communities.

Community Stakeholders
We engage a broad spectrum of community partners to support residents in achieving their goals. We collaborate with Property Managers on-site to make sure residents maintain stable housing, with school systems to ensure all students can succeed, and with other organizations to bring health, banking, job opportunities, and other vital services to families on-site.

National Partners
We partner with agencies and organizations across the country to expand our guaranteed income mode, grow advocacy opportunities for residents of federally subsidized housing, and create larger platforms for residents to share their stories, voices, and expertise with wider audiences.

Resident Relationships
At the core of Springboard’s philosophy lies a profound conviction in the transformative potential of relationships. Our team is guided by what residents define as most meaningful to them, providing support for their immediate needs while collaborating to define and achieve their long-term goals. This deep understanding has enabled Springboard to design and deliver programs that directly respond to residents’ changing needs and aspirations.
We firmly believe that empowering individuals to connect, collaborate, and share their collective wisdom allows residents to harness their collective strength, transform their lives, and influence the systems that impact them.

What is a Community Specialist?
Community Specialists are trained Springboard staff members who connect residents to organizations that offer essential resources. In some cases, Specialists also offer coaching, networking referrals, and other supports to remove barriers between residents and their goals.