One of our goals as an organization is to help the families we work with recognize the power they already have to make change within their own lives, communities, and the many policies and systems that affect their day-to-day lives. One of the most debilitating consequences of poverty is the boundaries it puts on families. They feel limited in where they can go, what they can do, and who they have access to. It is easy to believe the story that you don’t have power or agency or your voice does not matter when you are acutely aware of the limitations imposed upon you.
Over the years, we have tried to help push those boundaries for our families through various trips and opportunities to travel to conferences and convenings where residents are able to share their wisdom and experiences. Residents will often point to these trips as times when they were able to deepen their knowledge about the world and see the way their lives and stories fit into it. Some discover a new career they didn’t know was possible, learn about a new place or story they want to share with their families, or make a life-long friend—expanding their experiences and connections.
These trips have always been incredible, but for the first time, Springboard went international this past Spring!
In April 2024, nine Springboard residents who have been a part of our Fellowship programs and have either started or are working to start their own businesses and traveled to Bogotá, Colombia with members of Springboard’s staff for a weeklong program focused on women’s entrepreneurship in the global economy.
We partnered with the Aspen Global Innovators Group and Fundación Sanctuary Colombia to create an experience that both introduced our women leaders to the rich historical and cultural landscape of Colombia and allowed women entrepreneurs from the US and Colombia to meet and share strategies around how they can sustain and grow their businesses.
While there are so many reasons we were excited about this trip and opportunity, at the top of that list was the chance for our residents to shift their own internal narratives and see new possibilities for themselves. For all these women, it was their first international experience and — for most of them — their first time even on a plane. They ended this trip not only with new connections, ideas for their own businesses, and a richer understanding of the world, but with a renewed confidence in themselves and their ability to go after their goals and push against the barriers that have been placed on them.
Thank you for your continued belief in our residents to push toward new stories.