Somehow February ended? But also felt like forever?
Either way. We’re still here and our latest Springboard newsletter has arrived!
This month was jam packed with Black History month content, hosting leaders in the GI movement here in Jackson, along with navigating the continued anxieties from the news in our country. Yes, we’re tired, too. But we’re also excited to share with the world some pretty great things we are continuing to work on within our community.
For more of our BHM posts, follow us on Instagram.
Announcement: Upcoming Night of Storytelling on April 16th. You can find the RSVP link here.
Our February newsletter includes updates on our efforts to implement the SUN Bucks program in Mississippi and articles that highlighted the issue, a new story we released in the Front + Center series, key updates on our resident relationships, and information about our policy and advocacy work.
We’re pretty proud of what our team pulls off in just one month and we are even more proud to share it loudly with the world. Subscribe to our newsletter today!
With love,
Team Springboard